GeoLite® is a thixotropic geomortar for the passivation, restoration, smoothing and protection of reinforced concrete structures such as beams, columns, slabs, facades, ramps, facades, decorative elements, gables.
- Special for operations with a gantry crane, at low temperatures and where rapid delivery to use is required.
- Ideal as an inorganic mineral network in the complex reinforcement systems of the GeoSteel series.
- Paintable after 4 hours.
The first geomortar that allows the formation of a monolithic mass capable of surrounding, protecting and strengthening reinforced concrete structures, without requiring the application of multiple layers. The only one certified to passivate, reconstruct, smooth, smooth and protect in a single layer.
GeoLite® monolithic restorations, naturally stable, crystallize in the concrete guaranteeing the durability of a mineral rock.
The first geomortar that requires only one day of work to perform a complete restoration, as opposed to the six days required by traditional restoration mortar applications, which are performed in multiple layers.
The first series of geomortars with different setting times (> 80 – 40 – 10 minutes), with the possibility of mixing them together to adjust the setting time according to the site conditions.
Destination to use
- Monolithic passivation, local or general restoration, grinding and protection of reinforced concrete structures, such as beams, columns, slabs, fronts,
- ramps, facades, ornaments, pediments and infrastructure works.
- Specific for medium or large size interventions, for fast delivery with same day delivery.
- Ideal as an inorganic mineral network in the complex GeoSteel series reinforcement systems for static and anti-seismic reinforcement and enhancement of building components by
- concrete and / or masonry.
- Ideal for GreenBuilding and Modern Architecture Restoration.