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GeoLite 40. 25kg Concrete restore geo-mortar

MPN: 60602
Price ā‚¬25.50

GeoLiteĀ® 40 is a thixotropic geo-mortar used to passivate, restore, finish and protect reinforced concrete structures such as beams, pillars, slabs, front sections, ramps, facades, decorative elements, cornices. Specific for operations involving mobile platforms, low temperatures and where the result must be ready for use quickly. Paintable after 4 hour.

Certified, eco-friendly mineral geo-mortar with a crystalline reaction geobinder base, for passivation, restoration, finishing and monolithic protection of deteriorated concrete structures, ideal for use in GreenBuilding. Very low petrochemical polymer content, free from organic fibres. Thixotropic, semirapid setting 40 min.

  • GEO-BINDER. Exclusive use of the innovative Kerakoll geo-binder revolutionises mortars used to repair concrete, guaranteeing levels of safety never before achieved and unique eco-friendly performance.
  • MONOLITHIC. The first geo-mortar that forms a monolithic conglomerate that will surround, protect and strengthen reinforced concrete works without the need to apply several layers. The only mortar that is certified to passivate, restore, finish, correct and protect in a single layer.
  • CRYSTALLISING. The naturally stable, monolithic repairs carried out with GeoLiteĀ® crystallise with the concrete to guarantee the durability of a mineral rock.
  • QUICK. The first geo-mortar that requires just one dayā€™s work to achieve complete restoration, as compared with the six days required by traditional restoration mortar cycles involving several layers.
  • TAILORED. The first range of geo-mortars with different setting times (> 80 ā€“ 40 ā€“ 10 min.) that can be mixed together to customise setting times according to conditions on the building site.
  • Based on geo-binder
  • Eco-friendly concrete restoration
  • Very low petrochemical polymer content
  • Free from organic fibres
  • Can be recycled as mineral inert material, avoiding waste disposal costs and environmental impact
  • Formulated with locally-sourced minerals meaning lower greenhouse gas emissions during transport, with low CO2 emissions
  • With very low volatile organic compound emissions